Latest News
EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare
EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare is a global organisation dedicated to exploring and improving the ways in which healthcare professionals, patients and relatives communicate with one another. More information available from here.
Masters (MSc) in Health Professions Education (HPE) – University of Limerick School of Medicine
Applications now being welcomed for the Masters (MSc) in Health Professions Education (HPE) at University of Limerick School of Medicine. For further details, please see programme brochure here.
Annual Education Forum events (RCSI, University of Medicine and Health Sciences)
Monday 14th June. Professor William B. Cutrer (Associate Professor of Paediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education) will speak on “Targeting Adaptive Expertise: Moving Lifelong Learning from Cliché [...]
The Evolution of Practice Education: Sharing the Learning
Thursday, 17th of June 2021 The Evolution of Practice Education: Sharing the Learning Conference will take place virtually on Thursday, 17th of June 2021. Registration is FREE, please register below. The conference will start at [...]
INHED & EACH -Teaching Communication Skills in the Clinical Setting’. May 18th, 2021
We are delighted to announce an important webinar open and free to all educators and researchers in communication in healthcare in Ireland. ‘Teaching Communication Skills in the Clinical Setting’ Speaker: Professor Marcy Rosenbaum, President, EACH: [...]
International Conference for Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) part II
International Conference for Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) part II, which will be held as an online conference on April 15 & 16, 2021. The conference will offer a broad spectrum of sessions on research, teaching, [...]