INHED2020 Guidelines for Presentation
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be allocated a total of 12 minutes. Presentations should not exceed 10 minutes allowing 2 minutes for Q&A. Times will be kept by the session facilitator.
AV facilities will be available; if you have any additional requirements please notify the INHED Organizing Team at by Wednesday, 5th February.
All oral presentations should also be emailed to by 5pm, Wednesday 5th February.
e-poster Presentations
E-Poster presentations should appear as one main slide in landscape orientation, this may be augmented by one or two additional slides, animations and/or embedded videos if appropriate. The main slide should outline the rationale for your research or educational design, how you completed it and highlight your findings and what they mean.
The time allotted for this presentation will be 5 minutes presentation, 2 minutes Q&A.
All E-Poster presentations should also be emailed to by 5pm, Wednesday 5th February.
Please note: hard copy A0 posters should not be brought to the conference as a display space will not be available.