
Conference Overview – 8th Annual Scientific Meeting 2015

By Professor Deirdre McGrath, Conference ChairThe University of Limerick Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) recently hosted over 100 delegates representing students and faculty from health sciences and medical schools and postgraduate training bodies across the island of Ireland for the 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of INMED. The title of the conference was ‘New horizons in health professional education: Complexity, Culture [...]

By |April 30th, 2015|Categories: Annual Scientific Meeting, INMED News|0 Comments

INMED-Medical Council Research in Medical Education (RIME) Grants 2015

Photo (l-r) Professor Peter Cantillon, Dr Deirdre Bennett, Ms Caroline Spillane Background The development of medical education research in Ireland is a shared objective of the Medical Council and INMED. Research and scholarly activity in medical education in Ireland have been constrained by a lack of funding to support research of significant size or scope. The recent HRB-Medical Education Research [...]

By |April 29th, 2015|Categories: INMED Bursaries, INMED News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

INMED Research and Travel Bursaries 2015

Winners 2015-2016 Congratulations to all our research and travel bursary winners for 2015-16! Dr Gerry Gormley of Queens University Belfast who is researching the lived experience of simulated melanoma in medical students Dr Martina Crehan of RCSI on the lived experience of acclimatisation in first-year medical students Dr Leonie Heskin of RCSI who is looking at the evaluation of a [...]

By |April 18th, 2015|Categories: INMED News|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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