About Us

The Irish Network of Healthcare Educators (INHED) was founded in 2008 with the aim of enhancing health professional education on the island of Ireland by bringing together individuals and organisations with an interest in, and responsibilities for healthcare education. The organisation began as a collaboration between the seven undergraduate medical schools on the island of Ireland. It has since developed into an integrative educational organisation for all health professional disciplines in Ireland.

INHED is a voluntary organisation dedicated to improving the quality of health professions education on the island of Ireland through the promotion of faculty development, excellence in teaching and research. The organisation is run by an executive whose members are elected by the wider INHED membership at its annual scientific meeting in accordance with the INHED constitution. The executive is answerable to the membership and each year presents an annual report including a financial report to the members at the annual general meeting. The INHED executive meets quarterly to review progress with organisational projects and to agree strategic goals and targets.

INHED’s mission statement:
The Network seeks to enhance health professions education on the island of Ireland by bringing together individuals and organisations with interests in, and responsibilities for healthcare education in Ireland.”

Full INHED AGM agendas, annual reports and our financial reports are fully accessible from here.

INHED Services

  • An annual scientific meeting over 2.5 days. The ASM includes a full preconference day of teacher development and educational research workshops. The conference proper normally attracts 200+ delegates per annum.
  • Two faculty development symposia per annum, allowing focused attention to particular topics in health professions education/research. These are situated in host institutions and attract between 30 and 80 delegates each time
  • Research and travel grant bursaries; Research grants in collaboration with the Medical Council of Ireland.

  • A dedicated INHED website with the potential to support the running of conferences, symposia, grant applications, as well as provide resource areas for members

  • A nexus and meeting point for anyone interested in new educational developments and educational research in the health professions on the island of Ireland.